
기계과 학과소개

 급변하는 경영환경에 올바르게 대처하고 기업의 존속과 성장에 반드시 필요한 마케팅 비즈니스 관련 업무를 담당할 수 있는 기초 역량을 함양한다. 또한  올바른 윤리관과 참된 인성을 겸비하고 사람과 자연을 사랑하는 진실한 리더의 순수한 열정을 지닌 건강하고 행복한 마케팅비즈니스 전문가를 양성한다. 

 The department of marketing business administration is a specialized educational institution classified as a commercial college by academic system, officially authorized and licensed by the Korean ministry of education. It’s primary purpose can be summarized as the training talented people not only in marketing field but also other social areas. The faculty of our department will try hard on two things as follows.

 The first is to contribute to bring up the young leaders, who are going to create the 21st century right and conscientious, who are passionate with their noble spirit, who are truthful and upright, and who are in mind and heart of respecting nature and people with dedicated and altruistic sociality, activating carefully selected the personality educations based on the educational philosophy of the ShinAnSan university.

 The second is committed to school these capable marketing specialists, who are competent with the strong and advanced skills and professional capabilities in marketing fields for realizing their lives of honor as well as rich through the harmony of theory and practical education.

  •  학과 학생들의 인성과 사회성 교육을 강화하고 전공실력을 배양하며 개성과 역량을 파악하여 진로지도를 실행한다.  토론과 실습 등을 위주로 한 학생들의 다양하고 적극적인 수업참여를 통한 실력향상을 도모한다. 또한 필요한 경험과 산 지식의 축적을 위하여 국제교류를 강화하고 이를 통한 국내외 지역 사회봉사 활동에 적극 참여한다.

  •  As these educational objectives are prepared, our students are going to be instructed efficiently and managed carefully through three whole-personal education points. Accordingly, the pioneer spirit, the artisan spirit and service spirit.
    Explaining in detail, firstly, the pioneer spirit could help you to overcome any difficult trials and tribulations and become global marketing business leaders at last.
    Secondly, the artisan spirit could make you assist to be a final winner as one of the marketing business experts, containing the competence of working in marketing specialties and the capability of adapting in rapid marketing environment changes.
    And thirdly, the service spirit could allow you to be a diligent and sincere person and is requested to possess as the factor of commitments and contributions in order to make better for yourself, your family, your organization, your community, your society, your country and the world as well.

마케팅관리지도사(Marketing management instructor), 경영지도사(Managment instructor), 브랜드관리지도사(Brand management instructor), 검색광고마케터(Marketers for search and advertisement), AMA PCM, 시장조사분석사(Market research analyst, 사회조사분석사(Social survey analyst), 마케팅빅데터관리사(Marketing big data management), 인터넷마케팅지도사(Internet marketing advisor), SNS마케팅전문가(SNS Marketing specialist), 구글엡로그분석사Analyst for Google App Log), 구글에널리스트(Google analyst), 페이스북불루프린트(Facebook Blue print),  전산회계1,2급(Class 1 and 2 of computerized accounting), 전사적자원관리사(Enterprisepwide Resource Planning), 국제무역사(International trade expert), 원산지관리사(Expert for origin management),  판매관리사(Sales manager), 유통관리사(Distribution manager), 유통실무사(Distribution executive), 보험중개사(Insurance broker), 무역영어 검정시험(Trade english test),  전자상거래관리사(E-commerce manager),  EC기술관리사(EC technical manager), 사이버 무역사(Cyber trading manager), PC활용능력평가시험(PC Utilization capacity evaluation test), 인터넷정보 및 전문검색사(Internet information and specialized search manager),  소자본창업지도사(Small capital start-up leadership), 금융자산관리사(Financial asset manager) 등등.(and so on.)

  1. - 국영기업 및 정부산하 기관의 마케팅 및 비즈니스 업무 분야
  2. (Marketing and business pracitces for state-owned enterprises and government-affiliated organizations)
  3. - 다국적 기업 등 외국계 기업의 마케팅 비즈니스 관련 업무 분야
  4. (Marketing and business-operation areas of foreign companies such as mutinatinal enterprises)
  5. - 일반 기업체의 마케팅  분야
  6. (Marketing field of generally private companies)
  7. - 일반기업체의 재무회계 분야
  8. (Financial accounting field of generally private companies)
  9. - 일반 기업체의 해외영업 분야
  10. (Foreign management field of genrally private companies)
  11. - 일반 기업체의  기타 경영 분야
  12. (Other management areas of generally private companies)
  13. - 금융기관(은행 및 보험)의 상경계 업무 분야
  14. (Business areas of a financial institutions' commercial boundaries such as banks and insurance)
  15. - 해상보험회사 보험업무 및 해운 물류회사의 운송물류업무 등의 분야 
  16. (Insurance business of marine insurance companies and transportation business of logistics companies)--
  17. -  e-비즈니스 관련 창업
  18. (e-business-related start-ups)
  19. - 공인회계사ㆍ세무사ㆍ관세사 등 사무소 취업 등
  20. (Offices of certified public accountant, tas accountant, customs officers, ..., etc.)